January 2024

Members of the lab give  three invited talks at PAG

October 2023

January 2024

Members of the lab give  three invited talks at PAG

November 2023

Jenn is awarded an NSF CAREER grant

November 2023

Kate joins the lab. Welcome Kate!

October 2023

August 2023

Isa and Ani officially join the lab. Welcome!

June 2023

U.S. Department of Energy awards the lab an Early Career Research grant

June 2023

Starting off summer by welcoming Mario, Isabel, and summer REU students Daisy, Vardaan, Sofia and James!

May 2023

Road trip to SEED!

May 2023

Bella is officially a PhD candidate, congratulations Bella!

April 2023

Soyeon joins the lab as a postdoc. Welcome Soyeon! 

March 2023

Stanford Report on digital education (with a shout out to BIOE80)

February 2023

Our growth room is functional!

January 2023

Opening ceremony for BIOE80 as a National Education Equity Lab course

January 2023

Janina and Logan publish a scientific life article on sustainable lab practices

December 2022

S2E2 of No Time to Read Podcast features our circuits paper

December 2022

Vivian and Bella publish a great review of plant gene expression control

December 2022

Veronica heads back to the UK to defend her PhD!

October 2022

Janina gives a killer flash talk at CZ Biohub

October 2022

Reviewer 1 sizes up a pumpkin

October 2022

Pumpkin carving 

October 2022

Our first plant cell lines arrive!

October 2022

Veronica joins the lab as a visiting PhD student

August 2022

Andre and Julia present their summer research projects :)

August 2022

Compost bins arrived for our non-transgenic plant waste!

June 2022

Vivian gives her first lab poster at PMB GRC. Great job Vivian!

June 2022

Bella joins the lab. Welcome Bella!

May 2022

Our first plants are growing in the lab. Thank you Janina!

April 2022

Vivian gets an NSF GRFP. Congratulations Vivian!

April 2022

Just set our ULT freezer to -70C. Super excited to try "chilling up"

March 2022

Janina joins the lab. Welcome Janina!

October 2021

Tip washing robot demo starts

October 2021

Science + halloween = talks in costume!

September 2021

Lab construction begins

September 2021

We are officially open!